
The power of video

Video is an incredibly powerful way to communicate, teach, tell stories and inspire. It has the power to evoke emotions, impart knowledge and create deep connections with your audience. We believe in the importance of video as a modern communication tool, which is why we strive to create quality video capture.

What we offer

An all-in-one service including technicians and equipment to meet your needs. We have a wide technical range of cameras, lenses, lights, stabilizers and other tools needed to shoot your projects.



Project type 

Our team is flexible, whether it's for a fiction film, a national commercial or an in-house documentary, we can adapt to your needs.

Think of everything

A shoot can't be improvised: location scouting, authorizations, crews, equipment, transport, catering - everything has to be thought through, because every minute counts to make the most of what are often very busy days. At Altamont, we're committed to delivering top performance on your shoots, and we don't let luck get in the way.

A technical team of excellence

At Altamont, our technical team is the backbone of our success. We've assembled a team of passionate, experienced professionals who understand the importance of every detail for an exceptional end result. From meticulous planning to on-the-spot execution, our experts are ready to use their creativity and efficiency to bring your project to life.



Professionals for your video recordings

We'll take care of organizing your future shoot.

Directors, cinematographers, technicians

Sound engineers, make-up

Cameras, lenses, tripods, grips, etc.

Production management, catering, transport

Lighting equipment, cameras, machinery, etc.

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